This medical speciality deals with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in adults ranging from minor infections to lethal malignancies.  Internal medicine deals with the entire patient rather than a particular organ system,  and so is considered the parent of other medical specialties such as cardiology, dermatology, and gastroenterology.

With a combination of scientific knowledge and clinical expertise, the goal of this department is to properly diagnose and provide the patients with the available best options for care and treatment.

Conditions and diseases this department specialises include a variety of non-communicable diseases such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Thyroid disorders, Rheumatic Diseases, Epilepsy, etc.

A Consultant Physician was first employed to LHAH in July 2012 and the service has continued since then with inconsequential interruptions.

Physicians currently employed in our hospital :

Dr. Mosaab Khalil

Consultant Physician 

Joined : 13 Nov 2018

Nationality : Egyptian

License Number : TMR 4198