Visits from relatives and friends can lift the spirits of patients and aid their recovery. It is from the clearest signs of  mutual love, mercy and empathy.  More than that, visiting the sick is a sunnah and a highly rewarding deed muslims are obligated to do for one another.

Visitors are always welcome at our hospitals during visiting hours which are from 17:00hrs to 19:30 hrs. Please be aware that nursing staff may adjust the visiting hours to meet the medical requirements of the patients.

It is also important to keep in mind that visits also a high risk exposure for patients, medical providers and other staff. Hence, it is strongly advised you do not consider visiting if you might be having a contagious disease. Visitors are advised to practice self hygiene and hand sanitization before and after hospital visits.

It is also important to keep the visits short and not to overstay so that the patients do not feel burdened and remain comfortable as adequate rest is essential for all patients.  Solitary visits or minimum groups are preferred and is also recommended to exclude children and high risk people during visits