This department focuses on diagnosis and treatment of the conditions, diseases and disorders of teeth, oral mucosa, and of adjacent and related structures and tissues. It also includes the treatment and correction of malformation of the jaws, misalignment of the teeth, and birth anomalies of the oral cavity. 

With highly skilled and experienced consultants, state-of-art dental chair and a well-equipped  special X-ray equipment, the aim of this department is to treat and manage a wide range of oral health care needs of both adults and children.

Dental procedures conducted in our hospital include teeth scaling and polishing, pulpectomy,  Surgical and non surgical teeth removals and fillings and treatment of other oral infections, conditions and lesions. 

A Dentist was first employed to LHAH in October 2011 and the service has continued since then with inconsequential interruptions. 

Dentists currently employed in our hospital :

Dr. Mohamed Mufeed Muslim Veettil Chalakal


Joined : 2020

Nationality : Indian

License Number : TMR 4657